Sound and Successors Update
Fear and Loathing in Outer Space » Devlog

Hear Some Evil
With this update, I've finally added audio to the game! Get ready for some spooky ambiance, and lots of nice clickity clackity UI sound effects.
Also, you can now win the game and loop! Well, if by win you mean recruit another apprentice to replace the one you've sent off into the galaxy to exact your diabolical will...
Also in this update:
- Along with winning the game and looping over, losing now does not send you back to the beginning, but rather prompts you to recruit another apprentice. Once in the game, you'll be able to see a list of all your previous pupils!
- Some changes under the hood have made it substantially easier to add missions, and so I've done just that, bringing the total up to 35.
- An overall tuning pass should make things feel a bit fairer if you decide to recruit an older apprentice.
- The included image of the stat breakdown shows the distribution of each stat by age. Each apprentice is procedurally generated according to a few rules. Making this graph was reeeaaaally useful, tuning-wise.
- Finally, a few UI tweaks have given players a bit more info when it comes to choosing missions. Dots beside each stat when hovering over a mission will scale to the amount of that stat you'll need to succeed.
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Apr 26, 2022
Fear and Loathing in Outer Space
Train your evil apprentice in the ways of space magic or die trying.
Status | Prototype |
Author | jimi stine |
Genre | Strategy, Role Playing |
Tags | Dark Fantasy, Fantasy, Horror, LÖVE, Magic, Sci-fi, Space, weird |
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